Kanda Udage Malika Vs D.M. Aberathna and others SC/ FR/ 157/2014

On the May 7, 2014 Sandun Malinga, a 17 year old boy and four others with him were beaten by police officers, arrested and detained at the Kandaketiya police in the Badulla district. Sandun and the other four were taken to the District Medical Officer (DMO), brought back to the police, taken to a Magistrate and remanded in the Badulla remand prison in the evening. The following day, May 9, around 5.30 am his brother who had been also remanded saw Sandun panting and struggling for breath and alerted the…

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Kandaketiya Judgement and Continuing Deaths in State Custody – Ruki Fernando

On the May 7, 2014 Sandun Malinga, a 17 year old boy and four others with him were beaten by police officers, arrested and detained at the Kandaketiya police in the Badulla district. The next day, around 2.30 am, Sandun complained of chest pains when his mother visited him at the police station but police officers refused the mother’s request to admit him to hospital. The mother visited him again around 7.30 am and saw him in a bad condition, lying on the cold floor while crying. When she had…

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Hewa Maddumage Karunapala and others Vs Jayantha Prema Kumara Siriwardhana and others SC/FR/97/2017

The fundamental rights petition was filed by the parents of the 15-year-old victim, Hewa Maddumage Karunapala and Pallekkamkanamlage Dona Kumuduni against six persons including teacher Jayantha Premakumara Siriwardana and principal M. Leelawathi. The child petitioner was slapped across the face by Mr. Siriwardhana, teacher- in -Charge of discipline and sectional head of Puhulwella College. The action had resulted in the student a ruptured eardrum and permanently losing his hearing ability in the left ear.  Considering the petition, affidavit and written submission of the petitioners and the respondent as well Supreme…

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