SHANTHI CHANDRASEKERAM v. D. B. WIJETUNGA AND OTHERS, the judgement was for three habeas corpus applications by supreme court. S.C. 1/92. 2192, 3/92

SHANTHI CHANDRASEKERAM v. D. B. WIJETUNGA AND OTHERS, the judgement was for three habeas corpus applications by supreme court. Fundamental Rights – Reference to the Supreme Court by Court of Appeal on the ground that was prima facie of infringement of Articles 11, 13(1) and 13(2) in three habeas corpus applications – Jurisdiction of Supreme Court in matters of infringement of fundamental rights.

the judgement was the petition granted and I grant the Petitioner in each case a declaration that the detenu had been arrested in violation of Article 13(1), and detained in violation of Article 13(2). I order the State to pay to each Petitioner, on behalf of the detenu concerned, a sum of Rs. 2,500/- as compensation and Rs. 2,500/- as costs In respect of the Habeas Corpus applications, I confirm the direction to the Respondents to produce the detenues before the High Court of Kandy to enable that Court to determine their custody pending trial, according to law, and to release them forthwith if indictments have not been filed and served on or before 18.5.92.

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