CHANNA PIERIS AND OTHERS v. ATTORNEY-GENERAL AND OTHERS, the Ratawesi Peramuna Case and judgement was given by supreme court. SC APPLICATIONS NO. 146/92 TO 154/92 AND 155/92 (SEVEN APPLICATIONS)

The ten applications were by consent considered together. The applicants in the ten applications were granted leave to proceed for the alleged infringements of their rights guaranteed by Articles. The petitioners were participants in a “movement” called the Ratawesi Peramuna formed in November 1991 under the leadership of Atureliya Rathana and patali champika ranawaka. the disruption in January 1992 of the exhibition of posters in Matara and the resurgence of the JVP were discussed after which a manifesto was introduced by Champika Ranawake the petitioner in Application No. 154/92. There were about 15 participants at the Kawduduwa temple meeting.

They formed the impression that the participants were engaged in a conspiracy to overthrow the Government. Inspector Ekanayake tapped at the door and got it opened and arrested the suspects. Having explained the charge to them he took them into custody.

the judgement was Relief ordered and relief granted to the petitioners.

read full judgement here>>

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