Nurse Wins Fundamental Rights Case Against Surgeon for Assault

  In a landmark judgment delivered today, the Supreme Court ruled in favor of Madhavi Buddhika Rajaguru, a nurse who filed a case against Ashoka Wijemanne, a consultant surgeon, for assaulting her with a bone cutter at Kurunegala General Hospital. The court held that Wijemanne had violated Rajaguru’s fundamental right to be free from cruel, inhuman, and degrading treatment. As a result, Wijemanne has been ordered to pay Rs. 50,000 in compensation to Rajaguru. Additionally, the State has been directed to pay her Rs. 10,000 within the next three months.…

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Corporal Punishment as a method of discipline is ineffective – Supreme Court of Sri Lanka

Supreme Court of Sri Lanka ruled on 12th February 2021 that the teacher-in-charge of discipline of Puhulwella Central College of Matara district is guilty of violating the fundamental rights of a student by beating a student and causing a ruptured eardrum. Accordingly, the teacher was ordered to pay Rs. 150,000 personally while the government was ordered to pay Rs. 500,000 to the student within six months. The fundamental rights petition was filed by the parents of the 15-year-old victim, Hewa Maddumage Karunapala and Pallekkamkanamlage Dona Kumuduni against six persons including…

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